When it comes time to pay any outstanding balances on your account, we’ve got several easy options. Visit any branch for in-person payments with cash, cheque, debit, or credit. Or, register Andrew Sheret Limited as a payee through your bank or mail a cheque to the closest branch location or Head Office. Choose any method below that suits you best, and we’ll share more details on how to manage your account with ease.

You might be wondering what certain terms mean on your Andrew Sheret Limited credit account. Here’s their definitions:

Values under Future Due are attributed to purchases that’ve been invoiced (e.g., billed) since your last statement was issued. This means that while these totals will be due as of the next statement’s due date, they don’t need to be paid right now.

Current Due values relate to all invoices that have been billed as part of your last issued statement (available in the Billing Centre). Payment terms are Net 30, meaning 30 days from the statement date. Andrew Sheret Limited offers a 2% discount if payment is received within 12 days from the statement date when paying by cash, debit, direct, or cheque; payments MUST be received on or before the 12th—no exceptions. (Each statement or invoice will indicate the discount amount allowed.) While these figures are up to date, payment in full is required by the due date indicated to prevent any disruptions to your account.

On a healthy account, the Past Due row should always be empty. If your account’s regularly paid by the issued statement date, you’ll never owe outstanding late balances. If there are figures here, we recommend taking immediate action to pay the values indicated as soon as possible. Doing so is crucial to keep your account in good standing and to avoid paying interest on late payments.

The Payments row is a cumulative record of all statement payments, refunds, or account credits you’ve seen during the current billing period. It’s normal to see figures in parentheses here, as a quick way of showing these values are credits against your balance, not amounts owing. Thanks for your quick payment and for keeping your account in good standing!

To make an in-person payment, simply locate the Andrew Sheret Limited location nearest to you. Once there, we accept cash, credit, debit, or cheque for your convenience.

Andrew Sheret Limited can be set up as a payee in your personal or business bank account for convenient payments through online banking. Please note, depending on your bank, direct deposits can take 1–3 business days.

Simply configure the name of the payee as your 6-digit account number (without the dash) to identify your payment. Your account number can be found on the letterhead of all invoices, as well as in the Profile sidebar.

Payments can also be made using Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs) issued from your personal or business bank account to Andrew Sheret Limited. Cite the statement number you want to pay in the comments for the transfer, and send the funds to the following institution/transit/account number:

001 00120 1020534

Please note, we’re not responsible for any service or transaction fees incurred using this method. Any payments received will be dated the day the funds are made available to us, not the day the transfer’s initiated. As EFTs can take up to 5 business days to process, keep this in mind for time-sensitive payments.

We also accept personal or certified cheque payments. When paying this way, include a remittance citing the statement or invoices being paid in the comments section, and make the cheque payable to:



It’s important to note we’re not responsible for any service or transaction fees incurred using this method, nor are we responsible for Canada Post if a payment’s lost or delayed. Payments received will be dated the day the funds are made available to us, not the day the cheque is issued. As cheques can take up to 5 business days to process, keep this in mind for time-sensitive payments.

We only accept Visa and Mastercard at this time, which can be presented in person at any of our branches for immediate payment. Please note, we don’t accept credit card payments over the phone or on our website at this time.

If you’d like to set up recurring monthly credit card payments, visit any of our branch locations. The Branch Manager or Admin will be happy to help and have you sign a Credit Authorization form.