Managing a large inventory of supplies shouldn’t slow you down. Whether you’re restocking your work truck or placing bulk orders for multiple projects, our Quick Order function is a time saving tool that helps you get what you need with speed and accuracy.

This guide explains what Quick Order is, why it’s valuable, and how to use it effectively for your business or on-the-go needs.

The Quick Order tool is designed for the rapid ordering of multiple items you’ve already got preserved in a file, or for items you know by memory.

Use Quick Order when:

  • You have a spreadsheet (formatted appropriately – see Frequently Asked Questions) that you’d like to import and purchase.
  • You have several EZCodes written down (or that you know by heart) that you’d like to add to a batch order for fast checkout.

Using any of these methods allows for rapid shopping cart order creation, perfect for when you’re in a hurry.

Quick Order is great for when you’re looking to optimize your ordering process, and simplify your procurement process.

Here’s why it works:

  • Save time when you bypass traditional browsing with tools like EZCodes and file uploads.
  • Reduce errors by using pre-prepared lists of stock keeping units (SKUs) or EZCodes for reliable results.
  • Scale you business effortlessly by uploading large orders in one click, perfect for delegating product sourcing or managing repeat purchases.

It’s simple to get started with Quick Order. Begin by logging in and going to the upper right corner of the navigation bar and clicking the green Quick Order button. Alternately, you can paste in into your browser’s address bar to directly enter the full-screen version of the Quick Order interface.

The Quick Order dropdown interface.

Enter SKUs and/or EZCodes for a quick add:

  • In the fields on your screen, key in either a complete EZCode or SKU (followed by a quantity).
  • Confirm quantities.
  • Click the + Cart button and review your cart for accuracy.

Import files for bulk ordering:

  • Prepare a CSV file (with a column for SKUs/EZCodes, and a column for quantities).
  • Either upload the file, or paste in its values through the Quick Order tool.
  • Check all imported items, adjust quantities, and add them to your cart.
By clicking on the Paste CSV tab of the dropdown, you can either enter pasted values (pictured) or upload a correctly formatted CSV file.

Complete your order:

  • Review your cart to ensure it matches your needs.
  • Place your order with confidence, knowing the process was efficient and error-free.

  • Q: What if I don’t have EZCodes for every item?
    • A: You can find EZCodes on most product detail pages, quotes, and saved lists. Use these resources before starting your Quick Order.
  • Q: Do all items have EZCodes?
    • A: Not all items have these. But never fear! You can mix and match EZCodes with regular SKUs (which all items do have) on one transaction using Quick Order.
  • Can I save frequently used lists?
    • A: Yes! Save commonly used items in the Lists section for fast reordering later. Saved lists can later be converted to orders directly (using Export > Bulk Add to Cart).
  • Q: What file formats are supported for imports?
    • A: Technically the Quick Order tool doesn’t accept file uploads, but rather pasted text – which means any file is supported, provided it outputs raw text that can be copied.
  • Q: Is a certain format necessary when pasting text into Quick Order?
    • A: Yes – for the best batch ordering efficiency, you’ll need to indicate the SKU or EZCode for each item, separated by a comma, then a quantity. There can only be one item (with quantity) per line, so be sure to hit return after you’re done and add the next item below.
  • Q: Can you provide an example of a properly formatted item and quantity for use with quick orders?
    • A: Sure! To bulk order 3 units of, say, a Rinnai Water Heater, you could type in RX199,3 (using an EZCode) or 3680430,3 (using a SKU). Both formats will produce the same result.
  • Q: Is there a limit to how many unique items I can purchase through Quick Order in a single batch?
    • A: Yes – you can only order 30 items per quick order session, though once these items are bulk imported to the shopping cart, you can repeat the process as many times as you need.
  • Q: I’m a guest user (I don’t have a portal account) and I can’t see the Quick Order button. Am I doing something wrong?
    • A: Quick Ordering, along with other advanced account functionality, is reserved for customers who have an Andrew Sheret cash or credit account. But don't worry – getting one is easy! Simply reach out to your local branch and inquire about signing up.
  • Q: What functionality does the + Quote/List button provide?
    • A: If you’ve imported a complicated CSV file with many items, or you plan on making the same order more than once, it may be beneficial to save the imported CSV file as a standard portal list – this will allow for even quicker purchases down the road, with less re-entering of information. Quotes may be beneficial if you’re purchasing mass quantities or have an account which may qualify for special price incentives.
An example of the expanded + Quote/List dropdown, showing the options available there.

Quick Order keeps your ordering process fast, accurate, and ready for scale. It’s the ultimate tool for professionals who need efficient browsing and a reliable way to order supplies.