At Andrew Sheret, we offer a wide selection of products to our customers. While this means that we can meet almost any of our customers’ needs, finding specific products can sometimes be challenging.

In this article we’ll walk you through some of the intuitive search tools we’ve built to help you find what you’re looking for quickly and easily.

If you’re entering text into our search bar for a general term, our extensive catalog may return too many results for you to process easily, which may be especially a problem if you’re using the mobile version of the portal, or on a small screen. Browsing by categories may be a better option to find things fast; categories are organized in a logical hierarchy that begins very broadly, and gets progressively more specific.

Use the search bar to find items when:

  • You're looking for a specific item by make/model or SKU (“I want a Moen M-Pact 62360 rough-in”)
  • You don’t know exactly what you want and it’s not obvious what product category it might be in (“I want a Moen shower rough-in”)

Use categories to browse items when:

  • You are looking for a lot of similar items (“I’m building a system using ½” PEX fittings”)
  • You don’t know exactly what type of thing you want but need help choosing a make/model (“I want an electric water heater”)

To demonstrate, imagine you’re seeking “balancing valves” but you’re unsure of what one. Using categories, you could search by going to the Product Dropdown > Valves & Actuators > Flow Control Valves. This’ll produce a filtered view much easier to navigate than going through every valve available. You may, at any time, scroll to the bottom of the Product dropdown to click on the Browse All/View All buttons to jump to the results available at that category level.

An example of the Product dropdown, displaying categories of items.

You can also trigger a category by entering a very general term (such as “valve”) into the search field, and selecting a related category from the dropdown menu that appears.

The category page for Flow Control Valves – notice the breadcrumbs in the upper left of the screen.

Since you may want to get reacquainted with how you arrived at that list of product types, a trail of breadcrumbs (a category path) is displayed in the upper left corner of the page, just below the Andrew Sheret logo.

There are popular products that you’ll order frequently. Rather than going through the hassle of searching for these by hand every time, a better option would be to use EZCodes to find them quickly.

Highlighted is a typical EZCode for a common pipe.

EZCodes follow a logical format:

  • The size of the item (“12” for ½”)
  • The material code (“C” for copper)
  • The type of fitting (“90” for a 90° elbow)

For example, the EZCode for a ½” Copper 90° Elbow is 12C90.

Knowing the basics of how an EZCode is put together will help you find items you may not know the codes for yet – to learn more, read our article on EZCodes.

Having a set of EZCodes on hand can make ordering of common goods a breeze, and they really shine when used in conjunction with our Quick Orders. You might also be interested in the time-saving use of QR Codes.

If you still have a large number of products to choose from, a great way of further refining your searched or browsed results is to use filters, found in the left sidebar of your screen.

Filters are great for:

  • Business owners assembling large and complicated orders for specific projects (which may demand adherence to specific brands or materials).
  • Tradespeople ordering specific parts when needed.

The available filters change depending on your search results; by using them, hundreds of results can be narrowed down to a handful of items in no time at all.

The Filters sidebar, as seen on a desktop device. Many options, including brand filters, can be found here.

Filters work on desktop, mobile, and tablet views of the portal.

Even on smaller screens, the power of search filters can still be found under this dropdown menu.

For example, the EZCode for a ½” Copper 90° Elbow is 12C90.

Knowing the basics of how they’re put together will help you find items you may not know the codes for yet – to learn more, read our article on EZCodes.

Having a set of EZCodes on hand can make ordering of common goods a breeze, and they really shine when used in conjunction with our Quick Orders. You might also be interested in the time-saving use of QR Codes.

If you forget some of the items you recently browsed, or want to save a few of them for future reference, the Favourites screen can be a great help.

Favourites offer the following features:

  • A ranked list of the last 300 items browsed (over the last 100 days).
  • The ability to store any item indefinitely (by clicking the star next to an item and changing it to a padlock).
  • The option to apply your favourites as a filter when consulting search results (narrowing them down by criteria including recently browsed or recently purchased items).

When looking at products (either in search results, or the details page for an item), you’ll notice a small grey star near the picture of any item. Clicking this will add that item to the favourites list.

These lists are specific to the account, and will be shared with any other users who are added to that account in the future – perfect for a larger business, or a tradesperson who shares their account with additional contractors.

In order to access your favourites, simply visit Products > Favourites > View All Favourites.

Favourites can be accessed from the Categories dropdown menu.
Once there, a full-featured list of your recently browsed and favourited items can be seen.